
Our aim is to provide our partners, our doctors and their patients with the best information available in this COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we have collated some useful links, references and information from reliable sources for you.

The content curated covers up-to-date news on the worldwide situation with COVID-19, information about the disease and relevant information for both our physicians and kidney stone patients.

The content will be updated regularly, so check back for the latest information. Stay safe!


General Resources

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Spread of coronavirus

The WHO remains one of the most reliable sources of latest information on the spread of Coronavirus and COVID-19. Check the current case numbers, new cases and deaths in order to keep up to date with the latest information.

What is COVID-19 and what will happen to me?

If you are wondering what COVID-19 is exactly, what this disease does when it infects someone and how to best protect yourself, you can find answers to your burning questions on our FAQ page, or watch this informative video created by the European Association for Urology.

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COVID-19 Resources for Patients

If you seek for further information on COVID-19, you can have a closer look to the educational videos made available by the European Association of Urology.

Kidney stone treatment during COVID-19

In many countries, elective surgeries, such as treatment of kidney stones have been postponed to conserve resources in hospital stressed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more about non-surgical options that could be applicable to you.

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Resources for Urologists

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COVID-19 Resources for Urologists

If you are a Urologist and looking for the most reliable information on the practice of Urology during COVID-19, check out these direct links to guidelines from the European Association of Urology and the American Urological Association.U

Using ultrasound to detect kidney stones

As Kidney Stones are often diagnosed using Ultrasound equipment, and contact is made between the ultrasound probe and patients’ bodies, special attention should be paid to the handling of this equipment to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Find information and guidelines for safe handling and use here.

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COVID-19 Webinar for Urologists

What needs to be considered in terms of kidney stones and COVID-19? If you are a Urologist, check out our Webinar COVID-19 Spotlight on Urology, featuring the experiences from urologists in Europe and China.

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Wash your hands

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Don't touch your face

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Cough into your elbow

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Keep a safe distance

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Stay at home

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